Why sex should be avoided after hair transplantation?

Why sex should be avoided after hair transplantation?

The days after hair transplant surgery are important to ensure the success of the procedure. On the same day of the intervention you can return home but you must follow some certain rules to take care of yourself that the medical team has given you. Remember that it is still a surgical intervention. And we do not want to compromise the result because the hair that will grow will be forever. For this reason, the first few days sex is discouraged.

Precisely, the first piece of advice after the graft is that during the first few days you rest and lead a quiet life. That is why it is better to wait a bit before resuming sexual life.

The days after the hair transplant surgery, the patient must follow some indications related to rest. For example, sleep with your head slightly elevated, avoiding friction with the grafted area. Sport is discouraged until two weeks after surgery (longer if it is a contact sport). And that is the approximate period that is recommended to wait after the graft to return to normal sexual life.

Why it is advisable to wait for 10-15 days to return to sexual life?

The reasons why it is not recommended to return to sexual life prior to the transplant after a graft are similar to the reasons why sports are not recommended. The practice of these activities can compromise the development of the follicular units that have been implanted. In the first days, they will not be fully rooted yet. In fact, it is estimated that the grafts take between 4 and 12 days to adapt to their new location. That is why that approximate period is calculated to refrain from having sexual relations.

Another risk situation is the one that refers to scalp sweating. It is totally discouraged in the graft area because it increases the risk of infection. And it is evident that we almost always sweat when having sex.

There is also another risk during sex and it is the involuntary pressure and friction of the head that affects the transplant area. The transplanted follicular units would be damaged and the implantation of the grafts could be altered.

Finally, with sexual arousal, the speed of blood flow increases. And it also increases heart rate. Both situations can affect the grafts, which, as we say, will not yet be rooted.

Always following the doctor's advice, it is, therefore, advisable to give yourself 10-15 days to return to sexual life after the graft. In any case, the first days of sex should be smooth. Just as you would gradually rejoin sports, the same thing happens with sexual practice. For the most intense sessions, wait a little longer, about a month, always under medical advice.