Pediatric dentistry ; it deals with the oral and dental health of babies, children and young adults from birth until the permanent dentition is completed.

A healthy smile is an important indicator of our children’s overall health. Therefore, protecting and improving children’s dental health is extremely valuable. It is recommended that children meet a pediatric dentist as of the age of 1.

Why is Pediatric Dentistry Important ?

It is of great importance to ensure that young patients develop healthy dental habits. These habits play a significant role in maintaining a healthy smile throughout one's lifetime. Initiating competence in oral and dental health education at an early age is crucial for the development of lifelong habits. Therefore, it is of paramount importance for dentists to engage in regular communication with their patients' families, as the foundation for education begins at home.

Tooth Decay / Quality of Life in Children

Oral and dental health problems are a prevalent health concern in children in both developed and developing countries. Poor oral hygiene in children, resulting from inadequate eating or tooth brushing habits, can impede growth and development. Recent research indicates that children with early childhood tooth decay may be at an increased risk of developing tooth decay in the future. Early diagnosis and preventive treatment methods appear to be the most effective approach for promoting the healthy growth of children. Furthermore, research indicates that children with early childhood caries may experience significant psychological and physiological challenges, including attention deficit, academic failure, irregular sleep patterns, loss of appetite and difficulty eating, and difficulty communicating with their environment.

Children suffering from pain due to tooth decay are unable to chew or swallow cold, hot or hard foods. This results in malnutrition, which can lead to serious infections in the head, neck and jaw area. Such infections, which can be seen in children who continue to grow and develop, also threaten other vital organs of children (e.g. heart, kidney, liver, etc.) as a focus of focal infection.

It is not reasonable to expect a child who has an insufficient breakfast in the morning due to dental decay to concentrate on their lessons at school, or to expect a child who did not get enough sleep at night due to dental pain to understand their lessons. All these factors may prevent the child from losing their desire to learn or from communicating with their environment.

In order to circumvent the aforementioned issues, it is imperative to undergo regular dental check-ups, specifically with a paedodontist (child dentist). These examinations serve as the primary means of preventing or promptly identifying tooth decay. Furthermore, a balanced diet and consistent oral hygiene practices have made it relatively simple for children to maintain cavity-free teeth throughout their lifetime.