What is Periodontology ?

Periodontology is a branch of dentistry that deals with the health of the teeth, jaw bone, the gingiva that surrounds it completely and the tissues of the mouth.

What are the symptoms of gingival disease ?

Periodontal diseases represent one of the most prevalent conditions encountered by dentists. The gingiva may appear inflamed, exhibiting a reddened and swollen appearance. In the context of teeth and gums, dental calculus is often observed, particularly in progressive diseases where gingival recession has commenced. Migration of teeth, mobility, lengthening and opening between teeth are indicative of the disease. Smoking, genetic predisposition, excessive stress, drug use, pregnancy, hormonal fluctuations, grinding or clenching of the teeth, advanced diabetes, and inadequate dental restorations may all contribute to gingival problems.

How are dental calculus formed?

Dental calculus is a white, brown or black coloured structure formed by the combination of structures and bacterial organisms in the saliva when oral care is not sufficiently attended to. Primarily, it has a softer structure called bacterial plaque, but subsequently hardens and becomes a structure that does not remove even with brushing.

Is it harmful to have dental calculus cleaned?

It is important to note that dental calculus cleaning is not harmful if necessary. This is because the presence of dental calculus in the mouth increases the involvement of bacteria that cause inflammation.